A wicker basket filled with orange roses, green leaves, and red berries sits on a table in a festive, decorated room with a pink tufted sofa and a Christmas tree.

Flower Care & Etiquette

How Do I Take Care of My Arrangement?

You can learn more about taking care of your arrangement by visiting our flower care page.

How Do I Take Care of Orchids?

You can learn more about taking care of your orchids or orchid plant by visiting our flower care page.

What Do Different Rose Colors Mean?

Our Meaning of Roses guide is designed to give you a general sampling of many varieties which are popular today. 

Visit the guide here.

What Does Each Flower Type Mean?

Our Flower Dictionary will give you insight into each of the different flower types and their meaning.

Visit our Flower Dictionary

What Flowers are Appropriate for a Funeral?

Our Funeral Etiquette Guide is designed to help you understand the traditions of standards of funerals. 

Learn More

Should I Send Sympathy Flowers to the Funeral or the Home?

Our Funeral Etiquette Guide is designed to help you understand the traditions of standards of funerals. 


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