If you love peonies, you know that there are no other flowers quite like them. And late spring is the time of the year that we see these lavish blooms in abundance, so if you are a peony aficionado, now is your chance to order a big bouquet of these amazing flowers! Whether to give on a special occasion or simply to fill your home with beauty, give Blossom Flower Shops a call. Our floral designers will create an extravagant bouquet of fresh spring seasonal florals – featuring, of course, luxurious spring peonies.
Did You Know? Peonies grow naturally in Asia, Southern Europe, and Western North America. They are considered the floral symbol of China and are the state flower of Indiana.

There are thousands of varieties of peonies, but a couple of varieties stand out as favorites when it comes to floral design. Double peonies have multiple rows of petals arising from the crown; these fluffy, generous petals often completely obscure the center of the bloom. Looking a bit like pompoms, balls, or globes – and able to grow to very large sizes – the flowers once caused the explorer Marco Polo to exclaim “these roses are as big as cabbages!” Peonies look amazing either in standalone bouquets or as a featured flower in a spring bouquet.
How Very Romantic: If you are getting married, you may wish to consider a bouquet of peonies, as they are regarded as symbolic of good marital fortune and a happy life.
Designs which include spring peonies can be quite extravagant and opulent – case in point, our Sensational Celebration arrangement, shown above. Elegant peonies and beautiful roses complement orchids and hydrangeas, for a floral arrangement that exudes the joy of springtime.
If peonies are your favorite flower, take advantage of this season to fill your home with their beauty. But if you have another spring favorite, just let us know! Blossom Flower Shops is happy to create custom floral designs for delivery across White Plains and Yonkers, right to your front door!