The days are getting longer and temperatures are growing warmer, which means that it will soon be spring in Yonkers and White Plains. Nothing makes a home feel spring-clean and refreshed quite like a lovely bouquet of sweet-smelling flowers. At Blossom Flower Shops, our florists are mostly excited to be surrounded by spring blooms and to share all of our exciting new seasonal designs with you!
Interesting Facts about Spring Flowers
When springtime arrives, spring flowers don’t know its spring because they can’t read a calendar or count the days; they know it’s spring because the temperatures are getting warmer and the days are growing longer. In the United States, we recognize the vernal equinox as the first day of spring. The vernal equinox is a point on the Earth’s orbit around the sun where the day is the same length as the night. After this equinox, days in the Northern Hemisphere continue getting longer, until the first day of summer. This year, the vernal equinox is on March 19th.
In other parts of the world, different things mark the first day of spring. Some cultures start spring based on the lunar calendar. In Japan, spring depends entirely on its national flower. Once the cherry blossoms have started blooming, spring has officially begun.

Lovely Lavender
When Do Spring Flowers Start to Bloom?
The very first flowers of spring actually start to bloom before spring even arrives. Lenten roses, snowdrops, and crocuses work their way up through snow and ice in the still-chilly weather to greet the world as early as late January. Other flowers considered early bloomers pop out around the end of March and beginning of April. These include daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, and pansies. Late spring bloomers come out toward the middle of June, just before summer, and include flowers like lilacs, roses, peonies, daisies, and bluebells.
Our Very Favorite Spring Flowers
Thousands of different flowers bloom throughout the spring, which makes it tough to choose just a few favorites. These are some of the most popular and commonly used during spring.

1. Daffodils
Daffodils bloom early in the season and have trumpet-shaped blooms in bright yellow, orange, and white. They’re basically synonymous with springtime, as they also symbolize rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings.

2. Lilacs
Lilacs bloom at the very end of spring from late May to the middle of June. These shrubs can grow up to 15 feet tall, and if you’ve ever been near one in a spring breeze, then you know how beautifully fragrant they are. A vase of lilacs will freshen up your entire home in no time. Lilacs grow in shades of pink, purple, blue, and white and respectively symbolize love, spirituality, happiness and tranquility, and purity.

3. Hyacinth
Hyacinths are also incredibly sweet-smelling. These cones of delicate flowers push up from the ground in early spring and delight everyone with shades of pink, white, blue, and purple. These flowers represent constancy and sincerity.

4. Bluebells
On a single bluebell stem, you’ll find several delicate, bell-shaped blooms in the truest shade of blue. These beauties, symbolizing gratitude and humility, don’t bloom until late in the season, but they’re well worth the wait.

5. Roses
Roses are a favorite all year long, but they’re actually in-season in the spring, which means they’ll be at their freshest and most stunning. Roses naturally bloom in during late spring, which means they’re super affordable at this time of the year. If you dream of having roses at your wedding, it’s best to plan springtime nuptials. Each color of rose has a different symbolic meaning. For example, red roses represent romance, lavender roses are for love at first sight, and yellow roses symbolize friendship.

6. Camellias
Camellia blooms grow from a shrub of deep-green foliage. They have gorgeous flowers with seemingly endless folds of petals. In pink, red, and white, camellias symbolize longing, deep desire, and adoration.

7. Tulips
It’s impossible to list favorite spring flowers and not mention tulips. These blooms pair perfectly with bunnies and baby chicks, and they’re the perfect choice for celebrating Easter, Mother’s Day, or a springtime birthday. In general, tulips symbolize love, but each color carries its own unique meaning. Yellow tulips represent happy thoughts, red tulips mean true love, and purple blooms are for royalty.
Celebrate Spring with Fresh Cut Flowers and Seasonal Potted Plants
If you’re as excited about spring as we are, then we recommend welcoming the season by adorning your home or office with a vase of fresh spring flowers or a seasonal potted plant. Whether you choose a bouquet of tulips, roses, ranunculus, or freesia, Blossom Flower Shops will have a design to match your taste and elevate your mood!