Blossom Flower Shops

Blossom Flower Shops

Posted by Kevin Kegan on July 1, 2017 | Last Updated: July 5, 2017 Uncategorized

Flowers for Butterfly Gardens

butterfly gardens

Creating a butterfly garden for your outdoor summer space can be a fun and purposeful project. There are many varieties of flowers that will attract both caterpillars and butterflies, and providing the right space and resources is as easy as following a few simple guidelines. This summer, talk to the floral design experts at Blossom Flower Shops for help deciding which flowers will be most effective at attracting and keeping butterflies in your yard. 

  • Decide whether you are hoping butterflies to visit for a season, or if you’re more interested in providing a permanent home for them. Butterflies can be picky about where they lay their eggs. But once they have, the caterpillars that are produced will feast on the host plant, then stay for the nectar once they become butterflies.
    Flowers such as milkweed, sunflowers, and violets that will support the entire life cycle of the butterfly.
  • Design your butterfly garden with flowers that will attract butterflies during the warm summer months. Coneflowers, goldenrod and asters are excellent choices. You don’t have to actually plant the garden – setting fresh cut arrangements on outdoor tables, or adding potted plants or window boxes will result in your very own seasonal butterfly garden!
  • Butterflies need plenty of fresh water, a sheltered spot that protects them from wind, as well as a lot of sunshine. They also like “mud puddling” – they derive nutrients from water and dirt or sand mixtures. Provide an actual mud puddle, or add sand to a birdbath or shallow water container.

butterfly gardens

Our Daisy Days bouquet, featured above, includes goldenrod as an accent to bright daisies. Both are sure to delight butterflies and will make a lovely accent to your summer picnic table or porch setting.

This summer, invite butterflies to your home and yard – trust the floral experts at Blossom Flower Shops to have everything you need for a beautiful Yonkers flower garden.