Father’s Day is upon us—well, almost—and this June 17, Blossom Flower Shops thinks you should forget all the usual suspects when it comes to gifts and give your special dad something meaningful and different. It can be hard to shop for fathers, since they’re the ones who typically demure when asked what they want. As the standard providers, they aren’t often open about the things they desire for themselves. We do our best, but sometimes it feels like it can be difficult to surprise dad. That’s about to change.
In Asia, the Jade Plant means good luck. It’s also purported to enhance finances, since the leaves look just like jade coins. Of course this succulent is also incredibly appealing to look at, with its arresting dark green tangle of leaves. The fact that it also symbolizes wealth and prosperity is just a bonus. Give dad a little pot of jade for his home office or desk at work, and there will be a constant reminder of your love for him, not to mention a direct connection to nature, which is always a refreshing and energizing benefit.

He won’t see this coming, but when he receives it he’ll be delighted, we assure you. This is a long-lasting plant, the perfect tribute to how you feel about him.